速報APP / 教育 / SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a gl

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a gl





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖1)-速報App

Are you intrigued by the night sky but get overwhelmed by the information when you look for answers.

SkyWiki App is one stop center for you.

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖2)-速報App

Features :

* Skymap

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖3)-速報App

As the saying goes, a picture is worth million words , this feature gives a glimpse of the sky as it moves. Its lets you time travel by going forward or backward in the time scale to observe the sky at that moment.

Visualize this movement of all the major planets, constellations, brightest stars and messier objects with the feature.

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖4)-速報App

* Calendar

Never miss an important astronomy event now. Scroll through the calendar to get the important upcoming events about Lunar Phases, Eclipses, Equinoxes/Solstices, Moon Apogee/Perigee, Moon-Planet Conjunctions, Planetary Events and Meteor Showers.

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖5)-速報App

* Periscope

This gives you a visualization of how the Sun and Moon rises and sets or path along any given point of the day from your current location. Along with Sun and the Moon , you will also find the rise and set of the Planets.

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖6)-速報App

* Astronomy News

One stop center for the all information on major events and news as they happen, here you can find aggregated astronomy news from all the popular feeds.

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖7)-速報App

* Astronomy Photos

It is the gallery of amazing photos of the celestial bodies that eyes never get a chance to cherish. Swipe through spectacular photos taking your curiosity to a new level.

SkyWiki - the world of astronomy at a glance(圖8)-速報App

* Compass

Orient yourself in the desired direction with this feature.